In 2008, a dear friend of mine gifted me with two tickets to the North Carolina Symphony. It had been a long week and I decided to enjoy it by myself. I made sure I arrived in plenty of time and was people-watching and browsing through the program book.
As I turned page after page of special appearances by symphony members and even more pages of donor acknowledgements it hit me. I am to build a “symphony” for ministers. While the orchestral symphony brings those with the gift of playing instruments together to make music on one accord while they are fully supported to be full-time musicians, I was to build an organization of ministers who come together to operate in their spiritual gifts while they are fully supported to do full-time ministry.
The Lord poured it all out. I was to put a team together to help them grow in their spiritual gifts, the business and administration of ministry, marketing and all aspects of building their ministries and provide financial support to enable them to do what they love as full-time ministers.
Since then, the Lord has expanded the instructions for KMA to be a training organization to establish His 5-fold Government in the earth for both Christian Business and Ministry Leaders. I look forward to serving with you.
That was the inception of KMA. We launched with the Kingdom Minister’s Training Institute (KMTI) and in 2014 became a 501(c)3 non-profit organization to be able to fulfill this assignment.