At the Kingdom Minister’s Association, we believe:
- Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, the Messiah and Lord and Savior.
- We are called to manifest the Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth here and now.
- We are to walk out our soul’s salvation, which includes having a purified heart, a cleansed spirits and moving in the full power, dominion and authority granted by The Father through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
- As a minister, you are set apart. We are to be free from sickness and other forms of spiritual oppression. We do not access our full authority to lead and minister to people when we are still dealing with heavy spirit oppression.
- We are to walk in the full works of Jesus upon the earth and are called to manifest greater works than Jesus manifested in his time upon the earth.
- We have full delegating authority, dominion and power to cast all darkness out of our bodies, lives, families, communities, governments and nations.
- We are to fully access and live a resurrected life in Christ Jesus and enjoy life and life more abundantly.
- Being a minister does not mean to remain in emotional, spiritual, physical, or financial struggle; it means that we should prosper as directed by the Lord and His Holy Scripture.
- We can operate in our full ministry gifts and callings while walking and working along-side of other highly spiritually gifted ministers.
- Men and women are both used mightily and called to have a seat at the King’s table. Just as women led in the Bible, they are fully authorized, pre-ordained and free to lead both men and women in ministry.
- Men and women can both be used as powerful vessels of truth, signs, wonders and miracles of the Lord. Just as women ministered to Jesus, they can ministry to the Body of Christ with the same access mean have traditionally been granted.
- The time is up for racial and gender divisions in the Body of Christ. If we are to truly reflect Kingdom, then all languages, creeds, cultures, races and nationalities shall come together and be a true reflection of the heart of Jesus for all peoples.
- To be a great leader, you must be a great servant. Ministers are not to be held up on a pedestal that keeps your followers oppressed and divided in their understanding of what it means to live in their Sonship.